Thursday 23 May 2019
The Boardroom, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin
13.45 Tea/ Coffee on Arrival
14.05 Welcome , Sponsor | Royal College of Surgeons
14.10 Senior British Embassy Dublin Representative (TBC)
14.20 Steven O’Gara, Senior Economic Development Director, Dublin City Council
14.45 ‘Planning For Prosperity: A Tale of Two Cities”,
Panel Discussion and Q&A exploring development of Belfast and Dublin, what are the regeneration opportunities & how do we promote better cross-border collaboration:
Chaired by – Irish Times TBC
Marie Hunt, Executive Director, Head of Research CBRE Dublin
Richard Kirk, Executive Director, Institute of Civil Engineers
Joan McCoy, President, Royal Society of Ulster Architects
Chris Kane, Chair, Osborne & Co
15.30 Grainia Long, Resilience Commissioner, Belfast City Council
Building a quality urban environment/ future-proofing a city
15.50 Coffee Break
16.10 Marc Coleman, Author ‘Back from the Brink’
16.30 “Planning for Prosperity: Investment”
Panel discussion and Q&A which will focus on blockages to investment and how we find collaborative ways to better connect to investment opportunities
Chair – John Davison, Turley
• Anne Donaghy, CEO Mid & East Antrim Borough Council
• Carol McTaggart, Group Director of Development, Clanmil Housing
• David Gavaghan, CEO Aurora Prime Real Estate
• Irish Academy of Engineering TBC
17.15 Catherine Toolan, CEO, ICC Belfast
“International Convention Centre Belfast – Delivering for Belfast and Northern Ireland socially, culturally and economically.”
Event Close / Drinks & Canapés sponsored by International Convention Centre (ICC) Belfast